Friday, September 19, 2008


Some images of my travels in Honduras, Roatan to be exact. This itty-bitty island north of Honduras which is supposedly the next up and coming place to invest in real estate. It is still very much a 3rd world country, and is a drastic difference between the poor and wealthy--no middle income exists there. One is either a business owner, or an employee of the owner. The more disturbing memory is how U.S. ex-patriots move to Roatan, hire the locals, and treat them much like slaves. The locals do not know any better and go on doing as they are told. Learned terms like "watchee", which is a night guard who is armed with either a machete or shot gun. Yes, it was an extremely bizarre experience. We hung out in this little ex-patriot community located about 45 minutes from the tourist area. The roads are unpaved and ragged with many potholes to dodge around just to keep the ride somewhat smooth. Once in a while there will be a few guys working on the road, filling in the potholes, who will sometimes stop vehicles to give them money for their repair efforts. Not a bad way to make money without the hassle of filling out paper work and employers. Grab a bucket, shovel, and some dirt to fill in holes. I forget the money conversion, but $1 goes very far for the locals.

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